About a month ago I went with some girls from my book club to hear Anne Lamott speak in Portland. It was the first time I ever went to listen to an author and I can’t imagine a better person to start with than Anne. She is funny and real in ways that help me feel less alone and like my insanity isn’t all that abnormal after all. Everyone who showed up to hear Anne talk got a signed copy of her new book, Some Assembly Required, A journal of my son’s first son, which she co-wrote with her son, Sam, and which I just finished reading last week. Anne is one of those authors whose books I can’t help but ruin. The once pristine pages of her books are permanently warped with dog-eared corners, underlining, and giant tear stains. At first I didn’t think I’d enjoy this book as much as her others because I am not a grandma - yet. But I was wrong. These are some of the best quotes I’ve heard in awhile (though it took me a while to find them again amidst all the tear stained pen marks)…
“Sam is still every age he ever was…and Jax is already every age he ever will be…”
“Grace is a small white butterfly, and life is a semi trailer careening up 101.”
“You can’t jump until you sink down a little. And when you are aloft, there is always such dark and sad stuff underneath, below you. But if you touch down into it first, it helps you get aloft.”
“I hate to be the person whom people have to protect themselves from, as Sam had to do all those years, as all kids have to do to some degree.”
“I was reminded of the four Immutable Laws of the Spirit: Whoever is present are the right people. Whenever it begins is the right time. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened. And when it’s over, it’s over. It was over.”
On the Stations of the Cross: “Also, it is all of life – you walk, you fall, you get up, you go on, you fall, you get up, you go on, you die, you resurrect.”
(P.S. I also went to see Davis Sedaris two weeks ago - which I will write more about later - and I will be going to hear Susannah Conway talk about her new book in July. 'Tis the year of authors!)