Along with starting back to school this week I am also participating in Unraveling 2: Living in my World, the sequel to Unraveling: Ways of Seeing Myself, an e-course put on by the always-lovely Susannah Conway, which you might recall me doing last Fall. I'm again planning to share my Unraveling journey with you through my weekly photo assignments (and subsequent thoughts) during these next 8 weeks - starting today with "Home" and my favorite places therein...
"In February we moved into this house. We had been looking for a good rental in our favorite neighborhood for nearly two years when this one came available. After many years of living in houses and neighborhoods I've strongly disliked, I finally feel like I am home and I never want to leave!"
"The whole family knows that this is MY couch. I love to lay here and read or watch movies. I especially love this couch when no one else is home!"
"This is my very favorite place to spend time working and studying for school. It's also where I eat breakfast with my kids - the only time when we're not rushing around in the morning. The lighting is lovely all day long and the garden-view is beautiful even in Winter."
"I am seriously addicted to being in bed. I can never have enough linens and pillows and throws around me. This is where I do most of my reading and writing. This is where I snuggle my kids and where John and I talk late into the night. This is also where I shed most of my tears and find comfort in heartache. My bedroom is my sanctuary. And even though I've never owned a real bed, or mattress set, or dresser with working knobs, this will always be my very favorite place - my own little womb."