Prompt 26: Soul Food {via Reverb 10}
"What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul?" (Author: Elise Marie Collins)
I love food, so this is a tough one for me. I could mention the pasta primavera I had last night with a glass of red wine and call it good. So good. But the first thing that comes to mind is the lamb sandwich and beer I had at Balthazaar's in Soho last November with Debey. Sandwiches aren't only my favorite food (for their obvious versatility and style), but I was with one of my dearest friends in a place I totally loved. There was something about New York that heightened my senses and brought awareness to every little thing. (I also don't travel much, which explains why it was so exciting and I keep bringing it up.) The entire trip was food for my soul, and that definitely includes the actual food. Even the over-priced, dried out hot dog from a street vendor in Time Square was good!
And since we're talking about Soul Food I want to mention that almost anytime good food and good friends are involved, my soul is most definitely fed. There is also something about the extravagance of being alone with a good meal that really touches my soul as well.