Prompt 20: Beyond Avoidance {via Reverb 10}
"What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing?" (Bonus: Will you do it?) (Author: Jake Nickell)
Well, honestly, I avoid a lot of things - and most of the time chocolate and a bottle of wine help assuage the avoidance - but for your sake (and mine) I'll share one that's less complicated: I'm scared and unsure of making art. I don't always have the energy, inspiration, or confidence to pursue creative outlets, which is ironic because I've always been artistic and now I seem to avoid my creative ideas and impulses. I could go into a whole series of theoretical reasons for this, but instead I will just reaffirm my commitment to stop avoiding artistic endeavors and attend my painting class tonight - which is uncomfortable to do when I have a cozy couch and an unopened bottle of wine calling my name.