My online e-course is officially over and I feel quite sad about it. I enjoyed the experience immensely and I'm definitely going to take the follow-up course in a few months. In the meantime I plan to keep revisiting the photo and writing assignments on a regular basis, which means this isn't the last you'll be seeing of my Unraveling journey. But to wrap things up, our last assignment was to show "The Real Me" through images and words. I chose one photo from each week of the course that best reflects the real me and included a line of commentary for each one. Here's a snippet of the Real Me...
1. Feet Week: Me + Me. Just GRAND.
2. Reflections Week: I can't seem to get away from this goofball.
3. Favorite Things: I took myself on a date the other night. We had coffee, journaled, and read a book. It was nice :)
4. Memories: This happy, content little girls is always with me. She loves the world and the people around her. She is not discriminating and she loves to laugh.
5. Face Week: I can be quiet and contemplative, I need to be by myself a lot. I am cautious with my heart and feelings, but once you have my heart you have my love and loyalty forever.
6. Alter Week/7.Tribe-of-One: As a tribe of one I enter the world unafraid and unashamed. I move confidently, sometimes with a saunter and sometimes full-force. I am at peace with who I am and with the world around me.
“Today you are You, that is truer than true.There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss